
By knowing their position in queue, your customers will feel less frustrated waiting for their tables

Reasons to invest in Vellux

 Higher client loyalty

 Higher return rates

 25% Increase in sales


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    How many hostesses does your location need on a busy night to help with seating people waiting for a table? You can now cut your personnel costs in half and increase customer satisfaction at the same time. The Vellux guest paging system acts like a wireless hostess that keeps clients informed and makes them feel in charge.

    How it works


    Better Client Waiting Experience  

    During a busy period, managing all the clients that are waiting for their tables to free up can be quite a challenge. Hotel managers typically need 2-3 hostesses just to show people to their places and answer their questions about the time when a table will free up. Such a tense atmosphere is both unwanted by any business and leading to mistakes.

    Customer Paging System

    Instead, you could offer your guests the Vellux pager, a small and stylish device that will keep them informed about their current position in the queue. Even more, the pager will alert them automatically whenever their table is free and they can be accommodated. Everything is done wirelessly and the information reaches them in real time.

    Higher Client Return Ratio

    All that the personnel need to do is hand them the pager and, when the time comes, lead them to their table. No more frustrated clients and no more extra personnel! The Vellux guest pager system is error-free and indispensable for progressive-thinking hotel managers.

    Our clients

    People in your industry are already increasing their turnover and boosting their reputation. Check out some of the names that are already using Vellux. Would you like to join them?